Genre: Documentary Released: September 7, 2007 Director: David Sington Distributor: ThinkFilm Starring:Charlie Duke, Capt. James Lovell, Buzz Aldrin |
Filmmaker David Sington merges the magnificence of science with the compelling drama of the human quest for advancement with this compelling and visually stunning meditation on the historic Apollo space program. In the four remarkable years between 1968 and 1972, American history took a defining turn as nine NASA spacecraft made the trip to the moon, and twelve bold explorers became the first men ever to set foot on ground beyond planet Earth. In this documentary, space enthusiast Sington allows the surviving crew members from each Apollo mission the unique opportunity to recount their memories of those missions in their own words as vintage, original NASA film footage offers a tantalizing glimpse of this extraordinary era in American history. Candid interviews with the astronauts reveal the sensitive and fun-loving souls whose fearlessness would lead a nation into a new era of progress, and audio recordings from Mission Control lend a newfound sense of poignancy to a variety of oft-recounted historical milestones.
From msnmovie
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